Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne invites local groups to to bid for funding to continue to keep Sussex safe.
Grants are available up to £5,000 to groups providing a positive and lasting impact on their local community.
Mrs Bourne said, “Since launching the Safer in Sussex Community Fund in December 2013 I have allocated nearly £1.5 million from the Community Safety Fund to support a wide range of crime reduction and community safety initiatives.
“From organisations who help former prisoners integrate back into the community, to those providing activities for teenagers this funding is making a real difference to local people and neighbourhoods. The high numbers that apply each time shows organisations and community groups care about, and are committed to, keeping Sussex a safe place in which to live.”
To be eligible for a grant, the project needs to demonstrate how they plan to increase or promote community safety and have a positive impact long-term. They should be able to provide evidence to support the need for the project and show how it helps to prevent offending and reduce re-offending.
Applications are open until 5pm on Friday 11 February. For more information and to apply visit www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk/SiSCF