Those without accepted ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate ahead of the May elections by 25 April.
As voters will need to show ID to receive a ballot paper for the first time this May, the Voter Authority Certificate means people without a valid form of ID can still vote.
To receive a Voter Authority Certificate, you must be registered to vote and will need to provide your National Insurance number, date of birth and a photograph.
You don't need to apply if you hold an accepted form of ID:
UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK or EEA drivers’ licence; some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or an Oyster 60+ card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.
A paper form is available from Wealden District Council and you can also apply for a Voter Authority Certificate online. Remember the deadline is Tuesday 25 April.