Matt Vince is running his first Brighton Marathon in memory of his daughter Luna-Rose.
Luna-Rose tragically died last year aged 3. She suffered from Global Development Delay, which meant she was immobile, non-verbal and had frequent epilepsy seizures. She needed 24/7 care, but mum Sam Poulton says she was 'the most beautiful little angel.'
Dad Matt Vince is running his first marathon and is aiming to raise £15,000 for Aquamovers. Based at Chailey Heritage Foundation, Aquamovers provide expert services for severely disabled children aged between 1 and 5.
Matt's fundraising total increased by more than £5,000 in 12 hours, with the current total standing at over £10,000.
Matt said: "The most I had ever done when I committed to running the Brighton Marathon back in December was just four miles.
"I am taking part with two old school friends of mine, Hugo Porpora and Leon Collen. I hate running but I will crawl if I have to just to get over the finishing line.
"My brother Joel said he would also run the Marathon if our fundraising target hit £10,000, which we have, so he will be running with us!
"I am determined to turn a big, big negative into a positive. Luna-Rose wouldn't want us to be just moping around."
You can find out more and donate on the Justgiving page